Program 1 – VET Staff Supporting Students with Disability
Building further understanding and confidence in supporting students with disability throughout their engagement and successful completion of their studies in vocational education and training (VET) is a key way to support inclusion. How you communicate, interact and respond to the needs of individuals with disability can positively influence their experience and educational outcomes.
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Listen to Darlene McLennan, Project Lead and Jen Cousins, Project Officer discuss the value of completing this program.
Overview of Program
Welcome to the first of two e-learning training programs in the Supporting Students with Disability in VET series developed by the National Disability Coordination Officer Program and the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training.
This program is designed for all staff who work in the VET sector, and focuses on promoting awareness about the rights of students with disability, the needs and requirements of students, and responsibilities of registered training organisations (RTOs).
The training consists of three modules, which must be completed in successive order. Each module ends with a short quiz to allow participants to demonstrate their understanding. You can complete the e-learning training at your own pace—you do not need to complete the training in one sitting. Program 1 should take an average of 45–60 minutes to complete.